Use "internationalist|internationalists" in a sentence

1. Examples of liberal internationalists include former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

2. But his decorative style is as spartan as any Internationalist.

3. In addition, liberal internationalists are dedicated towards encouraging democracy to emerge globally.

4. 16 A stickler for meanings, he liked to be called not internationalist, but cosmopolitan.

5. The ensuing contradictions between internationalist democratic reformers and xenophobic worshipers of a divine emperor only grew with time.

6. Antonyms for Chauvinistic include unpatriotic, internationalist, traitorous, antisocial, misanthropic, tolerant, broad-minded, open-minded, unprejudiced and liberal

7. In 19th-century UK there was a liberal internationalist strand of political thought epitomized by Richard Cobden and John Bright.

8. The ensuing contradictions between internationalist democratic reformers and xenophobic worshipers of a divine emperor only grew with time.

9. Finally, the ideological factor, that the Soviet rule is internationalist in nature and pushes the working masses to unite in a single socialist family.

10. 7 Graham Marshall followed with injuries to his rib cage which according to the internationalist following the game,[] will possibly terminate his career.

11. The Assimilationist remained torn between his ideals and rejection by the assimilator society, between the allegiance he was seeking and the pride awakened by Jewish nationalism; he oscillated between the choice of assimilation into one nation and internationalist assimilation

12. I think if we just reflect back on the name of a person after whom your university is named, our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was a true internationalist and the driving force behind the Non-Aligned Movement and the Afro-Asian solidarity of the 1950s and 1960s, that see in another form this come to fruition is something that we can certainly celebrate in tribute to Jawaharlal Nehru.

13. To offset some European sensibilities, the Administration at least attempted to blur the boundaries between national, theatre and force missile defence to reinforce the credentials of missile defence as an internationalist package. However, nothing in the recent policy announcements of the Bush administration suggests that it has been diverted from its own internal timetable for the development and ultimate deployment of a missile defence system that now goes far beyond the limited shield envisaged by the Clinton administration, with little regard for the strategic implications of such a stance.57 The only limits are technological rather than political, to which the October 2001 decision to unilaterally abrogate the 1972 ABM Treaty attests.